CSCE 5218 – Deep Learning
Spring 2025
About Paper Review
Detailed Instructions About Paper Reviews:
Only the papers listed under "Paper review list" are qualified to be reviewed.
The review is required to be submitted through Canvas on the indicated due date.
Please name a review rigorously in the format of LastnameFirstname-XX-Review-LastNameOfFirstAuthor.pdf (only pdf file will be accepted), where XX indicates the number of submission for specific student. For example, FanHeng-01-Review-Ling.doc would be the first review I submitted for the paper authored by Ling et al.
You paper should contain at least THREE parts: summary, positive points (contributions), and critiques.
Paper summaries will be graded electronically. I will update the score through Canvas. For each paper, the best score is 100.
Format: CVPR (2024) latex template ( with one column (see the provided example).
Some general comments:
To get a score of 100 (best), the review should be well written, especially the critique part. Roughly speaking, a review could be scored 100 if it read like a decent professional peer-review.
For the critique part, the specific comments are preferred than the "general ones". For example, discussion of limitations of the paper is good, while criticizing about the clarity counts little. Try to avoid the comments that can be used unaltered for different papers.
The minimum length of the review is 400 words. There is no upper bound though.
In general, the purpose is to show that you have really read and thought carefully about the paper.
In general, minor writing problems (typos or grammatical issues) won't affect the grading. But if the writing is bad enough to affect my understanding, the score will be tuned down accordingly.