AnimalTrack: A Benchmark for Multi-Animal Tracking in the Wild
Data Format
For each video sequence in AnimalTrack, we provide high-accuracy bounding box annotations for all targets. The format of a bounding box is defined as follows
[frame_id, targer_id, top_left_x, top_left_y, width, height, confidence, class, visibility]
Please check out detailed definitions in the paper.
Download the whole dataset
Download the whole AnimalTrack (labels included) with all 58 sequences in the below:
AnimalTrack - google drive OR
AnimalTrack - baidu pan
Download the Training/Testing splits in the below:
Training/Testing Splits - google drive OR
Training/Testing Splits - baidu pan
Download each category
Click link to download each category (labels included) in the below (Do NOT forget training/testing splits above):
Zebra - google drive OR Zebra - baidu pan
Rabbit - google drive OR Rabbit - baidu pan
Pig - google drive OR Pig - baidu pan
Chicken - google drive OR Chicken - baidu pan
Penguin - google drive OR Penguin - baidu pan
Goose - google drive OR Goose - baidu pan
Duck - google drive OR Duck - baidu pan
Dolphin - google drive OR Dolphin - baidu pan
Deer - google drive OR Deer - baidu pan
Horse - google drive OR Horse - baidu pan
Disclaimer: All videos are obtained from the Internet and used for non-commercial research purposes only. We are not responsible for the content or the meaning of these videos. Downloading the videos in AnimalTrack means that you understand and agree the license here.